GRIMM MUSEUM KASSEL 2012 — In the park, a block is overgrown by magical plants. Following a winding path will lead one to the entrance on the narrow side of the building: a white portico with three doors, of which the outer two are walled up and only the middle one can open. An attentive walker might remember having seen this complex not far from here. This is the original portal of the northern gate guard house in which the Brothers Grimm lived for a long time, a concrete replica cast here in the lush foliage. The stringent arrangement of the rooms within follows the principle of a spacious villa: from the entrance to the large reception hall, from there a flight of stairs down to the Grimm Laboratory and on into a fairy-tale world. This is grouped around a funnel-shaped inner courtyard and, apart from the permanent treasure chamber, is a free area awaiting the interpretive installations of artists. Upstairs is an area for special exhibitions and a multifunctional space. A large “sky room” has walls and a vaulted ceiling sprinkled with perforated light openings. The leaves of the plants outside filter the daylight, letting in only narrow flashes, and a large aperture at the centre reveals the sky as an abstract disk.