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    Wehrhahncenter Düsseldorf // GERMAN NATURAL STONE AWARD 2020 - 13.08.2020

    The Wehrhahncenter is one of the 17 outstanding natural stone projects nominated for the German Natural Stone Award 2020. The business complex from O&O Baukunst received Special mention in the category Solid Stone Elements and Construction in Existing Contexts.

    The jury praised the "successful revitalisation of a building from the 1980s. A project that is sustainable in the best sense of the word, making use of existing structures and making it fit for the future with a high-quality and durable limestone façade".

    The award ceremony will take place on May 12, 2021 at the Stone+tec 2021 trade fair in Nuremberg.

    This is the second time in a row that the German Natural Stone Association has honoured a project by O&O Baukunst with this award. The commercial building Hainspitze in Leipzig received Special mention in 2018.

    Further information: https://www.natursteinverband.de/naturstein-preis/dnp-2020/besondere-anerkennungen/c-massivbau.html

    Browse online, page 44/45: https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/read/63692762/deutscher-naturstein-preis-dokumentation-2020

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